
We aim to provide top quality programming while also doing everything we can to keep our environmental impact to a minimum, both locally and when filming abroad.

The Unit Base is kitted out with recycling bins, water coolers for easy refills and low energy bulbs. Crew are all issued with re-usable water bottles to reduce plastic consumption and we are committed to sourcing locally and sustainably.

Our productions are signed up to BAFTA’s Albert scheme to focus on reducing the environmental impact of filming and to establish a workable and realistic plan to help decrease our carbon footprint. There is a ‘think before you print’ policy and we only use rechargeable batteries.

We’re using low emission/hybrid vehicles for unit cars, taxis and couriers. We ask people to car share and have a ‘no idling’ policy. We also use offsetting programmes with airlines when booking team travel abroad for those emissions we can’t reduce.